Bosses, who are given grades? News | People | 17.05.2023

Every manager has their own personal idea of leadership, resulting from their personality and their imparted model of authority.

With the change of the managing director 14 years ago, S+P Samson began to make this measurable through employee surveys.
Employees rate managers according to the consistency of the image they project at various levels of the organization.

At the beginning, it turned out that there was little unity in the management team about the development of the company, the goals, and the ways to get there .

Developing guidelines for the leadership team was the first step to improve this. More transparency was the second. Information about the work and decisions of the leadership circle was made binding. The development of a new corporate strategy and the pursuit of goals was the next.

Today, we are preparing the next generation for the leadership task with leadership guidelines and leadership training. Everyone has realised that the way we lead, interact, and communicate with each other is an important part of S+P Samson's attractiveness as an employer. And this is more important than ever.

Because success is made by people!