Answers about your delivery:

Can I have my order delivered to more than one address?
Yes, this is possible and the sales representative handling your order must be informed. However, you may be charged additional delivery charges.


Is express delivery available?
Yes, express delivery is available. The cost will be charged separately.


Can I collect the labels myself?
You can pick up the labels in Kissing near Augsburg. Once your order has been completed, you will be notified that the goods are ready for collection.


What is the minimum order?
We only deliver in boxes, so please note that our minimum order value is €300.

How are the labels shipped?
This depends on the order quantity. We use couriers such as UPS and DHL or a freight forwarder for larger quantities.

How soon will I receive my labels?
Delivery time is usually between one and six weeks. Please contact your sales representative for more information.

What countries does S+P Samson deliver to?
We deliver worldwide.

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