SecuBond® labels convince Nouvelles | Actualités | 07.08.2024

Applying self-adhesive labels when working with gloves is a difficult combination. Removing the label from the liner takes practice. 
The smaller the label, the harder it is to apply.

A concrete example is the labelling of stacked aluminium ingots:
One side has the shipping label and the other sides each have a section with a coded container number. 

With the new S+P SecuBond®, all parts have a 1 mm edge without adhesive. 

The advantages: 

  • no adhesive leakage in the printer
  • a grip aid for removal
  • ideal for processing in automatic machines

A clean affair.   

Palettes contenant des lingots d'aluminium marqués par des étiquettes
Gros plan sur des lingots d'aluminium avec une étiquette
Une étiquette est retirée des lingots d'aluminium sans laisser de résidus