S+P Samson - Website 3.0 Nouvelles | Actualités | Personnes | 05.03.2024
Interview Eva Kraft | Marketing and Design expert getaweb GmbH
Mrs. Kraft, how do you approach the subject of a new website?
It starts with the familiarisation phase. I want to get a feel for the people and the company. Which leads to the question: "Does the inner world match the outer world?" - concerns the outward appearance. I found many things at S+P Samson that caught my eye. The lion as a symbol for the strength of the products and a cool motto: "STICKS.HOLDS.STAYS. A good basis.
How satisfied are you with the state of the online presence?
The first step is to create a stage. My aim was to pack more S+P Samson into the presence. This is reflected in the colour scheme and the images. Now it's time for the finishing touches.
What do you have in mind for the next steps?
In addition to updating the website, communication is key to reaching customers. This will be done through social media posts. The aim is to combine communication with the website as an image carrier. It should all be from the same mould. It's important to me that the posts appeal to people. Combining a lively presence with a personal touch.
What trends do you see from talking to your customers?
I see it as a key part of our role to identify trends at an early stage. Our team translates these developments into marketing strategies for our clients. Without strategic adaptation, there is no way forward. Companies know that acquiring new customers is time-consuming. Developing concepts to promote existing customers - that's what we do.
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